Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Following my dreams . . .

I have had all these comments recently, which have led me to reconsider some notions I have mused over several years, whether I should take the proverbial leap of faith, and write. I'm blessed with a very busy creative mind, but can I pull this off? If I encourage people, if I have thoughts which provoke others to think, to act in response, to delve into their own awareness with new tenacity, is that enough reason to pursue this in an avid way?

I always assert that perhaps my decision in this isn't the ultimate one which matters, that possibly God in His overwhelming guardianship of my life, will guide me with direction and influence.

Taking a chance in life means taking a bite out of the fruit which nurtures us most fully. It is only through biting at the juicy fruit, that we know how deeply our tastes run, how much we can savor, and what it is we truly desire in this life. It started with an apple, and it represents the world's depth of experience to this day!

Bite the apple and savor the flavors! I am and you should too!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Prospects

It should come as no surprise to most, that as we mature and develop with time, we are often drawn to new pursuits, new adventures, discoveries which take us from our routines and thrust us onto new, exciting pathways! May I never stop finding my heart's truest desires with passion, zeal, and a child's sense of curiousity!

I'm undertaking this, a blog to share my passion for writing, for journaling, for capturing the essence of my own soul, as well as of those whom I share my journey! I want to mark the days, the times, the moments, all with great attention. Isn't that surely the way we acknowledge before ourselves, our friends and family, as well as our God, that we are thankful and very aware of our lives in perspective?